Balcon del Júcar - Alberique
Silence is the first stone
for the temple of filosofia.
The educatión, in its totality,
is reduced to these two lessons:
to learn to support the injustice
and to learn to tolerate the boredom.
Abate Galiani
The falsification is so near the truth,
that bombre prudent does not
have to be located in a slippery land.
Discretion is to know how to disguise that
what is not possible to be remedied
Spanish Proverb
The happiness does not consist of
acquiring and enjoying,
but of not wishing anything,
because it consists of being free
Life is dangerous,
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who
don't do anything about it.
Albert Einstein.
By the street of already
you will go to the house of never
Miguel de Cervanies
The indifference makes wise and
the insensibility monsters.
Denis Diderot
Living is the art to
draw sufficient conclusions
from insufficent data
Samuel Butler
The worse used day is
that in which there was no laughter
That your thought does
not exceed the present time;
be here the secret of La Paz
Umar Kbayyam
The size of bombre can
be moderate by the size
of the things that anger it
Thomas Morley
Estuchados Ull Benifayo

Bar La Vila
Silence is the first stone
for the temple of filosofia.
The educatión, in its totality,
is reduced to these two lessons:
to learn to support the injustice
and to learn to tolerate the boredom.
Abate Galiani
The falsification is so near the truth,
that bombre prudent does not
have to be located in a slippery land.
Discretion is to know how to disguise that
what is not possible to be remedied
Spanish Proverb
The happiness does not consist of
acquiring and enjoying,
but of not wishing anything,
because it consists of being free
Life is dangerous,
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who
don't do anything about it.
Albert Einstein.
By the street of already
you will go to the house of never
Miguel de Cervanies
The indifference makes wise and
the insensibility monsters.
Denis Diderot
Living is the art to
draw sufficient conclusions
from insufficent data
Samuel Butler
The worse used day is
that in which there was no laughter
That your thought does
not exceed the present time;
be here the secret of La Paz
Umar Kbayyam
The size of bombre can
be moderate by the size
of the things that anger it
Thomas Morley
Estuchados Ull Benifayo

Casa Chia - Beniparell
Si te molesta que te mientan, no preguntes.
Proverbio Estadounidense
If it bothers you that they lie to you, don't ask.
American proverb.

Todos miden su éxito por el fracaso de los demás
Ivan Illich
All measure their succes by the failure of others.
Ivan Illich
Oposición es el arte de prometer aquello que el Gobierno no puede asegurar.
H. Nicolson
Opposition is the art to promise that what the Government cannot assure.
H. Nicolson

Una tumba basta para aquél a quien no bastó el mundo
Alejandro el Grande
A coarse tomb for the one, for which the world was not enough
Alexander the Great
Los tímidos tienen miedo antes del petigro; los cobardes durante el mismo; los valientes después.
The timid ones are scared before it happens, the cowardly ones during the same one; the brave ones later.
F. Richter

Primero meditar, luego decidirse
Helmut von Moltre
First meditated, soon te be decided.
Helmut von Moltre
La victoria tiene cien padres y la derrota es buérfana
Joseph Joffre
Victory has one hundred parents and defeat is an orphan
Joseph Joffre

El mal no es lo contrario, sino la carencia del bien
Bad is not the opposite, but the deficiency of good
No hay más que una educación, y es el ejemplo.
Gustav Mabler
It has no more than an education, and is the example
Gustav Mabler

Lo que no es útil para la colmena no es útil para la abeja.
Marco Aurelio
Who is not useful for the beehive is not useful for the bee.
Marco Aurelio
El que no tiene opinión propia siempre contradice la de los demás.
The one that always does not have his own opinion contradicts the one of the others.

Tras el vivir y el soñar, está lo que más importa: despertar.
Antonio Machado
After living and dreaming, it is what matters more: to wake up.
Antonio Machado
Perdona siempre a tu enemigo. No bay nada que le enfurezca más.
Oscar Wilde
It always pardons your enemy. There is nothing infuriates more to him
Oscar Wilde

Ninguna frontera tienta más al contrabando que la de la edad.
Robert Musil
No border touches more to the contraband than the one of the age.
Robert Musil
Quieres que hablen bien de ti? No bables bien de ti mismo.
Pascal `
You want that they speak well of you? You speak well of them

Quien en verdad sabe de qué habla no encuentra razón para levantar la voz.
Leonardo da Vinci
Who in truth knows what he is speaking of, does not find reason to raise the voice.
Leonardo da Vinci