Expressa-te em Segurança

Checkered Flag

Always respect the flag signals.

Checkered flag, be careful with the sea

Yellow Flag

Always respect the flag signals.

Yellow flag, you can go into the water,
but No swimming or standing knee deep.

Green Flag

Always respect the flag signals.

Green flag, you can bath and swim.

Red Flag

Always respect the flag signals.

Red flag, you must NOT enter the water

Wait for digestion

Respect digestion time

After eating food, wait about
3 hours before you go for a swim

Watch you children

Permanently watch your children

If for any moment you lose sight of them,
immediately ask for help from a lifeguard

Slowly enter the sea

After a long period in the sun, do not rush into the sea

Go slow, so that the body gets used to the temperature of the water


If you are caught by a current
Keep calm stay parallel with the coast
never go against it

Be careful with the sun

Avoid sun exposure between 12pm and 4 pm.

If during this period you are on the beach,
look for shade and use adequate sunscreen

Code de pacodata - S.2016.55