Hello, You are on the index-page to a lot of my series sugars. For by birthday in 2023, I got my own page. Now busy with moving everyting to: liesjessugarpackets.com The old page will work until I am done yanahond.atwebpages.com If you want to watch a full series, you will have to click on the index picture. If any of you know in which year the packets were issued or how many there are in the complete set, please let me know. The wrappers are mostly scanned folded. Last but not least. If any of you have packets I don't have yet, don't hesitate to send them. Bye for now, Liesbeth Vergouwe Portugal
Traffic | Cars & Oldtimers | Navy | Railway | Airtravel |
15 sugars
from 9 countries |
400 sugars
from 14 countries |
158 sugars
from 8 countries |
1 sugars
from 9 countries |
78 sugars
from 6 countries |
I'm still publishing my packets. I have over 30.500 sugars to scan or move from my other page, so it might take some time before they are all on this page. Last Update 2024-09-10 Now on the page: 20.882 sugars.