V Centenário
Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos

Laws were made to punish bad people
and not to destroy good ones.

Comedia Eufrosina

It's much more work to conquer yourself
than any other enemy.

Comedia Ulysippo

Next to the nettle
a rose is born

Comedia Eufrosina

Through difficult times
the glory of men grows

Comedia Eufrosina

Anyway, the crow cannot be
blacker than it's wings

Comedia Eufrosina

Where there is strength,
right is lost

Comedia Eufrosina

Words without works,
are like a stingless cytole (musical instrument)

Comedia Eufrosina

If one door closes,
another will open

Comedia Ulysippo

After the mist comes the sun
and after a while comes another

Comedia Eufrosina

Acquire whatever chance
and preserve art

comedia Aulegrafia

Code de pacotada - S.2016.05