Histories de Cafe
Le Café fait introduction á la cour
de Louis XIV eu 1669 par
Suleiman Aga Mustapha Raca
Ambasadeur de L'Empire Ottoman.
Café was introduced to the court
of Louis XIV in 1669
by Suleiman Aga Mustapha Raca.
Ambasador of the Ottomanian Empire.
Noir comme le diable
Chaud comme l'enfer
Pur comme un ange
Doux comme l'amour.”
Black as the devil
Hot as hell
Pure as an Angel
Sweet as love.
Not able to make google translate make anything of the text
Something about 50.000 ton of coffee for a Fort.
If somebody can read the text, please send it.
No able to find the poem
Poem about coffee by Abbé Delille
Cafés Richard
1995 ?